The Age of Fiat is Over.

A New Era Begins..

Aleksandar Svetski
4 min readJul 22, 2024

Clown world, Socialism, Democracy, DEI, Money Printing and any other kind of deranged Leftism cannot persist, not just because it’s ugly, but because it’s entropic. It is self-defeating: like scoring an own-goal and expecting to win the game.

The parasitic paradigm we live in has subsisted this long for TWO reasons and two reasons only:

  1. There was previous generations worth of capital there to consume
  2. We allowed it

Now that much of the capital available has been eroded, and people can no longer afford things like fuel, food or housing — while being invaded by third-world biomass — Western Man is starting to wake up.

It’s about time we got off our asses, and did something about it before it’s too late. The last few generations had their fun, it’s up to us now to clean house. The book I spent the last 2+ years writing, is about exactly this.

It’s not about “Bitcoin” — it’s about the fact that we are moving onto a new socio-economic paradigm — and if we are to take full advantage of it, and steer the titanic away from the Iceberg, we MUST:

  1. Establish a code of conduct to evaluate men by, so we know who is part of the in-group, and who is not,
  2. Become wealthy — peasant revolutions are leftist, and only tear things down.,
  3. Build for beauty. Economic return is one thing, but pure utilitarianism is devoid of soul. If you want to build for the long term, you must inspire.

To mark the end of pre-sale, I’d like to leave you with a new teaster trailer, a quote and a short excerpt from the book:

“Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.”

— Alexis Carrell

There is a new energy rising, and it will open the door to a new age.

The spirit of greatness most manifest in the “Western Man” has been dormant for too long, like a lion at rest, or a bear in hibernation. The parasites and hyenas have become overly confident and arrogant, thinking they can nip at our heels, torment our families and tear down everything beautiful around us, as if we won’t notice.

They’ve confused our tolerance and slumber for weakness. But we are neither weak nor entirely ignorant. We’ve been asleep and overly courteous, tranquilized by a society we helped construct.

But we are coming awake, and getting angry — which is precisely what the bureaucratic class is most afraid of. They know, as we do, deep in our bones, that there has never been a time when the hordes of goblins and trolls were able to stamp out the flame of beauty and virtue.

Each era has its heroes, and this one is no different, bar the magnitude of our potential.

This is our moment, and to claim it, requires a new code, and a new playbook. Confucius said:

“Virtue is the root. Wealth is the result”

Bitcoin is a measure of wealth, but real wealth comes from the virtues we live by. If all we do is create Bitcoin, but continue on living poorly, we have failed. If we allow civilization to devolve into one giant dumpster fire, we have lost. It’s time to wake up. We must build, create, construct, and live lives of virtue and meaning.

It’s not that Bitcoin fixes everything — but our choice to use Bitcoin, and to live by ascendant virtues — that really fixes the world.

This is why I wrote this book. I’m not here to tell you what to believe. That’s up to you to decide. This is a book on behavior and the virtues we cannot ignore if our goal is to build a new and ascendant civilization. Who we become is determined by how we behave.

The fiat apparatus is completely captured, and there is no return. It will only become more sterile, barren and grotesque, and like an ever-receding piece of land in a flood, there will be less and less available for those who choose to remain. For the rest of us, a new land awaits.

So go forth, and reach for the stars. Feel the burn of conviction, and bend the arc of eternity towards you.

Thankyou to everyone that’s been supportive along the way, to everyone that’s pre-ordered, to Ross Stevens for your support and to John Carter for your help in bring it to life.

Aleksandar Svetski

This is the LAST CHANCE to pre-order The Bushido of Bitcoin on Kickstarter. The campaign ends in 3 days. If you want to save up to 50%, get a signed copy or be acknowledged in the book, this is the last chance go here on Kickstarter and on Geyser.

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