I took ALL the pills

So you don’t have to…here’s my crazy life story

Aleksandar Svetski
6 min readJan 17, 2025

Life is a roller coaster. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down.

Sometimes you’re enthusiastic and hopeful about the world and the future, other times you can’t help but look around and wonder what shit you did in a past life to deserve being surrounded by NPCs.

This is my long journey to the White Pill…

The Blue Pill

In my 20s, I was a vegan, I thought that humans were damaging the planet, and that fewer of them might actually be a good idea in order to save the trees. I was convinced that ‘death was a disease’ and that I would live for 500 years, and of course believed that being nice was what women wanted. I was a blue-pilled.

But, between 2007 and 2009 I lost everything trading derivatives and found my way to gold and silver through Kiyosaki and Max Keiser. This led me to the prepper pill, and I started stockpiling canned foods, Silver, batteries and solar panels. At the same time, I began my entrepreneurial journey and started building businesses, working my way up to achieving my first million by the age of 25.

These experiences planted the early seeds for the red pill.

After two years of being a strict vegan, I was bench pressing 40% less and had the libido of a corpse. I shifted gears and took the animal-based-eating pill and found my balls again. I still remember the week I went back to eggs and meat: Testosterone is an incredible thing…

That, along with the ongoing battle of entrepreneurship cleansed me of the blue poison I had ingested over the years. Reality is like an elixir to leftism.

The Orange Pill

In 2016 before going full red, I found and took the Orange Pill. Becoming a Bitcoiner fundamentally transformed me: it gave me something to fight for and something to fight against.

Bitcoin led me to Austrian Economics, which introduced me to the concept of time preference and provided a sound framework to understand what was fundamentally broken, and why.

More importantly, it gave me something to write about. Over the years I basically bled orange with over 500 podcast appearances and TWO MILLION words on my private blog, Bitcoin Magazine, Zero Hedge and The Bitcoin Times.

It turns out, however, that you can overdose on anything, including the Orange Pill…

Don’t get me wrong: I still believe in the soundness of Bitcoin and that it will become the monetary substrate of a new, more vibrant civilization. But something was missing, something deeper: more visceral and primal, less abstract and theoretical.

The Red Pill

At the beginning of 2020, the world entered a one-way portal into Clown World.

The CoronaScam and the US Election awoke me to the fact that most people, including Bitcoiners, are in fact retarded… Zombies walking around sans agency, intellect or sentience. Literal Roomba Machines bumbling around in human-shaped meat suits.

Disillusioned and somewhat demoralized, I took a sabbatical from Bitcoin Twitter and the community altogether. I focused on entrepreneurship, martial arts and the gym — all basic red pills — and dove deeper into historical fiction and Substack.

Being primed for the Red Pill even before I took the Orange one, I found my way into the dissident sphere. My search led me to new places, new dimensions and new ideas…

Another ride on this roller coaster.

The Black Pill

When you take the radical Red Pill, you begin to realize just how fucked up things actually are.

Disgusted with a present in which, yes, we have refrigerators, toilets and airplanes, but we are also fatter, uglier, dumber and lonelier than ever, you turn to the past with a different perspective: maybe, just maybe, the past wasn’t so cruel, evil and primitive; maybe the past was in fact superior.

But you also realize it’s useless to hope for a RETVRN, and added to the constant gaslighting seeking to make you feel guilty being a European male, it’s very hard not to swallow the Black Pill whole…

In 2023, everywhere I looked I saw nothing but darkness and stupidity. Even Bitcoiners were stuck in a Leftoid loop, repeating platitudes such as “power corrupts”, “saving the Global South” and “we are all Satoshi”; while calling themselves “plebs”… As if nobility and greatness were something to be ashamed of!

This all led me to a very dark place, which transpired onto my writing. The first few drafts of The Bushido of Bitcoin weighed heavy with a longing for the past, a yearning for the Age of the Samurai and a profound distaste for the modern world.


The White Pill

In early 2024, I found my stride again. I was near the point of exhaustion, busier than ever… still, I felt energized.

Writing The Bushido of Bitcoin changed me: writing is a discovery process, and as I went from draft to draft my writing took on a new energy, a more elevated and aspiring tone. It very clearly dawned on me that the present and the future are precisely what we make them, and no matter the odds, there is always a way. The human spirit is indomitable and God — whatever that means to you — is real.

Much of what happened that year reminded me of the thawing of winter. It’s certainly still winter, but the temperature is rising, the ice is starting to melt. The cracks are starting to appear in what seemed an impenetrable web of woke nonsense.

With Elon’s purchase of Twitter, Milei’s win in Argentina, Trump literally dodging a bullet to once again become the head of the most powerful nation on Earth and Bitcoin pumping, there is finally some light ahead in this tunnel.

This doesn’t mean that it’s all sunshine and roses or that we’ve won. Far from it. This is no time to rest on our laurels. It’s fine to take a victory lap, but the next race awaits. And ultimately that race, that game, that mission, is what I wrote The Bushido of Bitcoin for.

This is a book about the character required to construct a culture of excellence, power and beauty. One that reaches higher, farther and wider than anything that came before it.

This is possible. It always has been — we’ve just had idiots at the helm and in the way for too long. They’re still there, allowing entire cities to burn to ash because they’re more worried about DEI than they are about things actually working.

We MUST claim power. The Bushido of Bitcoin is a playbook for those who choose to not only lead in such a future, but for those who are called to actually build it — starting today.

If this resonates, I hope you too will take the White Pill and join me on this incredible journey. It’s been wild, and there is so much more to come…

I wish you all an incredible Year 2025 and thank you for your support all these years.

Aleksandar Svetski

I’ll be doing more of these short-form essays as I explore the core themes from The Bushido of Bitcoin and prepare to write the second book in the Bushido series: The Metaphysics of War & Beauty.

If you’re interested in this kind of content, go subscribe to my Substack or share this with anyone you think might also find it valuable.

And if you want to support my work, please pick up a copy of The Bushido of Bitcoin on Amazon, or directly from me for Bitcoin.



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