Corona didn’t cause it!
Stop being so myopic & short sighted.
In the wake of this CoVID bullshit, we are going to see unprecedented measures taken by governments around the world with respect to monetary, social and political policy — and NOT in the direction of greater freedom, but of more insidious authoritarianism.
You’re going to be told that the only way to fix this is to give up your freedoms, distance yourself from everyone, and accept new laws “for your protection”.
Your desire for safety in the midst of irrational panic will be how they get to you. This is literally the script, and we’ve all been warned about it multiple times; whether by Orwell, Huxley, or movies [documentaries] like The Matrix or most poignantly; V for Vendetta.
Wake Up !
The problem we’re facing today does not stem from your right to freedom, to privacy or your right to interact with other humans. Nor does it stem your right to work, produce, travel or go out!
The REAL problem is the fact that we’ve allowed those who purport to run the show to meddle & play fucking god with not only our wealth, but now our health.
These morons were not kept accountable, partly because of the concentrated nature of the system, and partly due to our collective complacency & as a society we’ve been walking forward blindly like sheep to a slaughter.
Trusting that governments who are screwing around with biological, social & monetary experiments to have our best interests at heart is where the ROOT of the problem lies.
Now, they’re telling you that the problem lies with YOU!
And that taking your freedom away is how they’re gonna fix it.
Taking your wealth away is how they’re going to “save us”.
Implementing draconian & authoritarian measures is how they’re gonna “protect us”.
When the fuck are you all going to wake up & realise that the path we’ve been on is why we’re here?!?!?!
We’re not here because we “didn’t practice adequate social distancing”.
Stop looking at the later order effects.
Stop pointing at the symptoms & blaming them.
Stop being a blind sheep.
This whole thing is unravelling because it was unstable, and needed a catalyst.
Corona is a VERY CONVENIENT excuse for decades of moronic monetary, social, political and crony-socialist-capitalist policy that does NOT work and has wound up creating a fragile edifice of a society that is now crumbling.
The problem was not the wind!
It was the fucking house of cards that these assholes chose to build, right on the beach.
And what’s worse is WE FUCKING LET THEM. In our blind complacency & “she’ll be right attitude”.
And instead of waking up now, we’re bending over a little further to let them in deeper. Deep enough to basically cage us all up in our own houses 🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
AND make us feel guilty about it too! As if the reason this whole thing is falling apart is because we somehow had a few freedoms left.
Wake the Fuck up people!
Wake up.
Whilst I agree that we need to now take sensible measures, like self-quarantining if feeling unwell, and intelligent social distancing, that’s not where the problem came from, and categorically the wrong thing to be angry about!!!
When I see people getting angry at for others not wearing masks or because they’re going out, it reminds me of what got us into this mess in the first place. That’s the wrong place to direct your outrage!
What gets me even more worked up is these boot-licking statists that are now begging for governments to take stronger measures to “protect us”.
Bending over for the same people who got us into this mess in the first place?
Are you kidding me?
It all just makes me wonder….
Do those who so willingly give up their freedoms for illusions of safety really deserve their freedom?
I don’t know anymore..
Be Smart, Not a Slave.
Personally & individually we may choose to now take measures like “social distancing” to try stem the spread, but that’s an individual choice, NOT a choice anyone else, particularly some out-of-touch bureaucrat, can make for you!
Personally & individually we also now have the opportunity to opt out of the economic circus which will surely ensue.
We have information, and this time around, we also have a sound monetary medium to protect our wealth in Bitcoin.
Start respecting yourself.
Buy Bitcoin
Respect your privacy
Stop selling yourself so cheaply
Be responsible for yourself
Get & stay healthy
Open your eyes & stop being spoon fed all the bullshit.
And if you think this is hyperbole, you better think deeper.
This shit is happening now:
They will start to take your money, your freedom and your privacy.
Meanwhile you’re going to have to choose.
You’re either going to be a slave, or you can find the courage to be free.
Other thoughts
I don’t purport to have a solution to this thing. I’m here to point out that we need to be careful we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
CoVID, if anything has helped uncover the structural deficiencies so many of us have been taking about. So when thinking about it from a systemic point of view, it’s likely a good thing.
In fact, part of me wonders if it’s just better to let this thing run it’s course & bring us back to a more natural equilibrium. One where not only markets come back to levels of sanity, but where people start to value once again the things that really matter.
I mean one school of thought is that we’re all going to need to get it anyway, and developing some sort of herd immunity is necessary. I don’t know — but from a more macro viewpoint, that seems to make sense..
And who knows — maybe a few of the people that contract & die from Corona will include a bunch of those fat, unhealthy central bankers & politicians who’ve helped orchestrate this entire fiasco.
Whatever happens, we need to stay sharp & stop bending over.